Elliott, Gibbons, Lapinski, Pearson and Ralph Longlisted for Branford Bose Award 2021
The Branford Boase Award 2021, the lengthiest longlist in the award's history, sees Joseph Elliott, Francesca Gibbons, L.D. Lapinski, Jenny Pearson and Vincent Ralph in the running for this year's award. The award, which is sponsored by Walker Books, is given annually to the author of an outstanding debut novel for children, and also recognises the editor of the winning title:
The Good Hawk by Joseph Elliott, edited by Annalie Grainger and Megan Middleton (Walker)
A Clock of Stars: The Shadow Moth by Francesca Gibbons and illustrated by Chris Riddell, edited by Nick Lake (HarperCollins Children’s Books)
The Strangeworlds Travel Agency by L D Lapinski, edited by Lena McCauley (Orion)
The Super Miraculous Journey of Freddie Yates by Jenny Pearson and illustrated by Rob Biddulph, edited by Rebecca Hill and Becky Walker (Usborne)
Are You Watching? By Vincent Ralph, edited by Tig Wallace (Penguin)