In these seven interlinked stories the grown-up Peter reveals the secret journeys, metamorphoses and adventures of his childhood. Living somewhere between dream and reality Peter experiences magical transformations when he swaps bodies with William, the family cat, the baby Kenneth and, in the final story, wakes up as a twelve-year-old inside a grown-up body and experiences the adventure of falling in love.
Territories: Catalan: Editorial Cruilla (Spain)
Croatian: Vorto Palabra
English: Alfred A Knopf Canada
English: HarperCollins USA
English: Jonathan Cape
English: Philipp Reclam Jun. GmbH & Co.
English: Recorded Books Inc
English: William Heinemann
Englishjap: Nan' Un-do Publishing Co Ltd (Japan)
French: Gallimard Jeunesse (France)
German: Diogenes Verlag (Switzerland)
Hebrew: Am Oved (Israel)
Italian: Edizioni EL Srl
Italian: Edumond le Monnier
Italian: Einaudi (Italy)
Japanese: Chuokoron-Sha
Korean: Daehan Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd.
Polish: Spoleczny Instytut Wydawniczy Znak
Portuguese: Editora Rocco Ltda (Brazil)
Portuguese: Gradiva (Portugal)
Serbian: Paideia Publishing House
Spanish: Anagrama (Spain)
Taiwanese: Wisdom & Knowledge Publishing Co.