Four children, living alone with their mother, decide not to inform the authorities when she dies. Instead they take her down into the cellar and bury her in cement and for the next days, weeks and months live far away from normal conventions.
Czech: Euromedia Group, k.s.
English: Philipp Reclam Jun. GmbH & Co.
English: Recorded Books Inc
English: Vintage
French: Editions du Seuil (France)
German: Diogenes Verlag (Switzerland)
Hebrew: Zmora Bitan - Dvir Publishing House
Italian: Einaudi (Italy)
Japanese: Hayakawa Publishing, Inc.
Korean: Yeuleum Publishing Co.
Norwegian: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag ASA
Portuguese: Editora Rocco Ltda (Brazil)
Portuguese: Gradiva (Portugal)
Romanian: Editura Polirom
Russian: Rosman-Press Publishing
Slovak: Mediasat Eastern Europe Kft
Spanish: Tusquets Editores (Spain)
Swedish: Ordfront Publishing House
Taiwanese: Business Weekly Publications
Turkish: Merkez Kitaplar