Mummy Said the F-Word

Single mum. Awful ex-husband with his shiny new girlfriend. And now a scary, overwhelming new job.
Bambino is a glossy, weekly parenting magazine aimed at 'yummy mummies'. Their ideal mother always looks immaculate, never lets her children watch TV and only ever eats organic food . . .
So when Cait, a chaotic single mother, becomes Bambino's agony aunt, she thinks she might be the single worst person to do the job. But despite her early unwillingness, she realises gradually that the women who are writing to her really do need help. Soon she finds herself taking her own advice, not only for raising her child but also for her very messy love life . . .
Can she finally become one of the "perfect" mothers that she sees reading her magazine every week? Or will she always be one step behind?
And, after all this time, will she be able find true love?