A bittersweet story about the perils and pleasures of pounds and pennies. It will make you laugh and cry. Two bothers, Damian and Anthony, are unwittingly caught up in a train robbery during Britain's countdown to join the Euro. Suddenly finding themselves with a vast amount of cash, the boys have just one glorious, appalling dilemma - how to spend it in the few days before it becomes worthless. Torn between the vices of buying a million pizzas and the virtues of ending world poverty, the boys soon discover that being rich is a mug's game. For not only is the clock ticking - the bungling bank robbers are closing in. Pizzas or World Peace, what would you choose?
Territories: English: Macmillan,
Chinese: New World Press,
Complex Chinese: Harvard-Inspired Publishers Inc,
Croatian: Zalozba Mladinska Knjiga,
Czech: Argo,
Danish: Sesam,
Dutch: Van Goor,
English: HarperCollins US,
English: Pearson Education,
Finnish: Werner Soderstrom,
French: Gallimard Jeunesse,
German: Carlsen Verlag GmbH,
Greek: Psichogios Publications Ltd,
Hebrew: Keter Publishing House,
Hungarian: Minerva Nova Ltd,
Italian: Instituto De Agostini,
Italian: RCS Libri i Grandi Opere,
Japanese: Shinchosha Company,
Korean: Munhakdongne,
Latvian: Zvaigzne ABC Publishers Ltd,
Lithuanian: Alma Littera,
Norwegian: Damm,
Polish: Spoleczny Instytut Wydawniczy Znak,
Portuguese: Editorial Presenca,
Portuguese: Nova Fronteira,
Russian: Rosman-Press Publishing,
Serbian: Laguna,
Slovene: Zalozba Mladinska Knjiga,
Spanish: Salamandra,
Swedish: Richters Forlag,
Thai: Pearl Publishing,
Turkey: Kultur Yayinlari,
Vietnamese: Nhan Tri Viet,
US: Harper Collins,