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Bad Mother's Handbook, The

The Bad Mother's Handbook is the story of a year in the lives of Charlotte, Karen, and Nan, none of whom can quite believe how things have turned out. Why is it all so difficult? Why do the most ridiculous mistakes have the most disastrous consequences? When are you too old to throw up in a flowerbed after too much vodka? When are you too young to be a mother? Both hilarious and wise, it is a clear-eyed look at motherhood - and childhood - in its many guises, from the moment the condom breaks to the moment you file for divorce or, more optimistically, from the moment you hear your baby's first cry to the moment you realize that there are as many sorts of mother as there are children, and that love sometimes is the most important thing of all.

Author: Kate Long
Agent: Peter Straus
Territories: Catalan: Enciclopaedia Catalana (Catalan), Croatian: Vukovic & Runjic Publishers, Czech: Argo (Czech), Danish: Gudrun Publishing, Dutch: Uitgeverij Arena (Netherlands), English: Macmillan General Books, English: Penguin Books Canada Ltd, English: Picador, English: Random House USA, Estonian: Tanapaev Publishers, French: France Loisirs, French: Robert Laffont (France), French: poche, univers, German: Goldmann Verlag (Germany), Greek: Actel Trading Limited, Hebrew: Trivaks Enterprises, Italian: Elefanti, Italian: Garzanti Editore (Italy), Latvian: Zvaigzne ABC Publishers Ltd (Latvia), Lithuanian: Jotema UAB, Norwegian: Gudrun Publishing, Polish: Dom Wydawniczy Rebis, Portuguese: Livraria Bertrand S.A.R.L. (Port.), Russian: Rosman-Press Publishing, Serbian: Laguna, Slovak: IKAR Praha, a.s (see EUROMEDIA), Spanish: Circulo de Lectores, S.A., Spanish: Cuadros, Eva, Swedish: Prisma Publishers, Turkish: GOA