As a psychiatrist in a top-security mental hospital in the 1950's, Peter Cleave has made a study of what he calls the catastrophic love affair characterized by sexual obsession. His experience is extensive and he is never surprised. Until, that is, he comes reluctantly to accept that the wife of one of his colleagues has embarked on such an affair.
Territories: Catalan: Ediciones de la Magrana
Chinese: China Times Publishing (Taiwan)
Dutch: De Bezige Bij (Netherlands)
English: Random House USA
English: Viking (UK)
Finnish: Otava (Finland)
French: Editions Gallimard (France)
German: Berlin Verlag
Greek: Psichogios Publications Ltd
Hebrew: Am Oved (Israel)
Indonesian: Pustaka Zahra Publisher
Italian: Adelphi Edizioni (Italy)
Japanese: Kawade Shobo Shinsha
Norwegian: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag ASA
Polish: Wydawnictwo C& T Pawel Marszalek
Portuguese: Companhia Das Letras
Portuguese: Editorial Presenca (Portugal)
Serbian: Graficki Atelje Dereta
Spanish: Editora Planeta do Brasil
Spanish: Grupo Editorial Random House Mondadori SL
Swedish: Albert Bonniers Forlag
Turkish: Okuyanus Publishing