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A Quiet Adjustment

Amid a swirl of parties and engagements, eligible bachelors and dazzling debutantes comes nineteen-year-old Lady Annabella Milbanke, already well versed in London social life in the early nineteenth century. Then, an invitation to a post-breakfast waltzing party arrives. Lord Byron's presence at the party both excites and appalls, and amongst his admirers, Annabella notices his partial relation - his sister - Augusta Leigh. It is these three characters that form the extraordinary menage a trois at the heart of this remarkably elegant novel. Written with enormous passion and sympathetic understanding for the complex passions at the heart of Byron's personality, "A Quiet Adjustment" dramatises the rise and fall of a famous literary romance and the relationship in its shadow.

Territories: English: Faber & Faber (BC ex Can) English: Norton US (US & Canada) French: Christian Bourgois
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