Lina Meruane

Lina Meruane was born in Chile in 1970. Her works include a collection of short stories Las Infantas (1998) and the novels Póstuma (2000), Cercada (2000), Fruta Podrida (2007) and Seeing Red (Sangre en el Ojo) in 2012. Her other books include a play and several books of essays including Against Children (Contra los hijos) and Volverse Palestina which received the 2014 Chilean-Arab Cultural Institute Award. She has won many literary prizes such as Calamo (Spain, 2015), Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Novel Prize (México 2012), and Anna Seghers (Germany 2011), and received writing grants from the Guggenheim Foundation (US 2004), the National Endowment for the Arts (US 2010), and DAAD Artists-in-Berlin (Germany 2017). Her most recent novel, Nervous System (Sistema Nervioso) was translated into ten languages. In 2022 she published an anthology of essays written between 1998 and 2021 entitled Ensayo General. She taught Latin American Cultures and Creative Writing at New York University for several years and is now splitting her time between Spain and Chile. She received the prestigious Premio Iberoamericano de Letras José Donoso in 2023.