More Flavours

The hugely anticipated follow-up to Niki Segnit's landmark global bestseller The Flavour Thesaurus
In More Flavours, Niki Segnit applies her ground-breaking approach to explore 92 mostly plant-based flavours, from Kale to Cashew, Pomegranate to Pistachio. There are over 800 witty and erudite entries combining recipes, tasting notes and stories to bring each ingredient to life.
Together with Niki Segnit's first book, The Flavour Thesaurus, this is a modern classic of food writing and as much a bedside read as an indispensable kitchen resource.
'Matching ingredients isn't a trivial matter and Niki Segnit is definitely the reigning champion.' YOTAM OTTOLENGHI
'The book will inspire a new generation of home cooks, chefs and writers alike.' RUKMINI IYER
'This gorgeous, erudite, learned book puts you in a state of permanent hunger, searching the internet for yuzu. I cook from it, I read it in the bath. You wouldn't believe how many stains I've already got on it, I've only had it a month.' ZOE WILLIAMS
‘I’d happily read anything Niki Segnit cares to write: a shopping list, a birthday care – and most definitely this, her third book. It follows on from her classic, The Flavour Thesaurus, focussing on plant-based combos and how and why they work. As lively as the writing may be, this is a scholarly resource that should always be near the kitchen. I read it, smiling, in a day.’ MARK DIACONO, DELICIOUS MAGAZINE
[Niki Segnit’s] knowledge about individual ingredients and flavours, and how they can be paired up, is encyclopaedic… ‘The Flavour Thesaurus: More Flavours is a food manual, bursting with descriptions, suggestions, recipes and science… The first book, a brilliant idea executed brilliantly, provided a jolt. This second volume… [is] if anything more useful than number one because it’s in tune with how many of us eat these days: focusing on plants, but without ruling out meat and fish… Segnit [is] a brilliant writer, a tireless researcher…clearly an excellent cook, but also a discriminating editor. The Flavour Thesaurus: More Flavours is like having not only an entire library of cookbooks at hand and open at the right pages when thinking about dinner, but a first-rate librarian in the room as well. You can read it cover to cover, but better still… read the relevant sections and see where the book takes you. If it’s plums, it’ll be to a café in Dittisham, which you’ve reached by ferry from a pontoon on the River Dart. How about that for transportive food writing?’ DAISY GARNETT, LITERARY REVIEW
‘Food lovers will enjoy Segnit’s meander through food memories, recipes, and advice, along with all the practical uses for this flavor reference guide.’ SARAH TANSLEY, LIBRARY JOURNAL
‘Niki Segnit has done it again, in her follow-up book to one of my all-time favourites, The Flavour Thesaurus […] bedtime and kitchen reading at its finest.’ MEIKE BECK, GH FOOD
‘One of my favourite cookbooks this spiring contains no recipes as we understand them. Niki Segnit’s widely anticipated follow-up to The Flavour Thesaurus (2010) continues her highly creative approach to food, which focuses on flavour pairings rather than recipes, and mixes scraps of culinary history with personal reflections [and] sumptuous, quirky prose.’ NILANJANA ROY, THE FINANCIAL TIMES
‘Both books are [...] hugely useful guides to imaginative, successful flavour combinations. They’re also full of treasure: dazzlingly good writing, miscellany, anecdotes, jokes, recipes that you itch to make immediately, history, literary snippets, fascinating science; and even, in the new book, a poem about the pairing of radish and rye. You can cook from Segnit’s books, learn from them, nerd out over them or just read them like novels, cover to cover, and emerge feeling delighted and enriched.’ INDIA KNIGHT, THE TIMES