In his, highly acclaimed debut, A PALE VIEW OF HILLS, Kazuo Ishiguro tells the story of Etsuko, a Japanese woman now living alone in England, dwelling on the recent suicide of her daughter. Retreating into the past, she finds herself reliving one particular hot summer in Nagasaki, when she and her friends struggled to rebuild their lives after the war. But then as she recalls her strange friendship with Sachiko - a wealthy woman reduced to vagrancy - the memories take on a disturbing cast.
Territories: Faber and Faber: British Commonwealth
Putnams: United States ex Canada
Vintage Books: United States ex Canada
Arabic: The Supreme Council of Culture
Catalan: Edicions Documenta Balear
Chinese: Shanghai Tr
Czech: Beta
French: 10/18 (France)
French Gaillard
German: Goldmann Verlag (Germany)
Italian: Einaudi (Italy)
Japanese: Hayakawa Publishing, Inc.
Latvian: Zvaigzne ABC Publishers Ltd (Latvia)
Polish: Wydawnictwo Albatros
Portuguese: Editora Rocco Ltda (Brazil)
Portuguese: Relogio d'Agua Editores Lda
Romanian: Editura Polirom
Russian: Eksmo Publishers (Russia)
Spanish: Anagrama (Spain)
Turkish: Merkez Kitaplar
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