Melinda Salisbury

Melinda Salisbury was born in the 1980s in a landlocked city, before escaping to live by the sea. As a child she genuinely thought Roald Dahl's Matilda was her biography, in part helped by her grandfather often calling her Matilda, and also the local library having a rather cavalier attitude to the books she took out. Despite this she never manifested telekinetic powers, though not for want of trying. She still tries, to this day. When she's not trying to unlock the hidden avenues of her mind, she's reading, writing, or travelling, all of which are now more addictions than hobbies.
Twitter: @MESalisbury
Books in order of publication:
The Sin Eater's Daughter (2015)
The Sleeping Prince (2016)
The Scarecrow Queen (2017)
The Heart Collector (2017)
State of Sorrow (2018)
Floored (2018)
Song of Sorrow (2019)
Hold Back The Tide (2020)
Her Dark Wings (2022)