Julián Fuks

Represented in association with Companhia Das Letras
Julián Fuks was born in São Paulo in 1981 and is the son of Argentinian parents. He has worked as a reporter for the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo and as a reviewer for the magazine Cult. Fuks is the author of several novels and collections of short stories and his work has been shortlisted for several prestigious prizes, including the Telecom Award and the São Paulo Prize for Literature. He was selected as one of Granta’s Best Young Brazilian Novelists. His novel Resistance (A resistência) was the winner of the Brazilian Jabuti Award for Best Novel of the Year 2016, the José Saramago Literary Prize 2017 (Portugal) and the Anna Seghers Prize 2018 (Germany) and has been translated into six languages. His latest novel, Occupation (A Ocupação) was published in Brazil in late 2019 and in English in 2021 by Charco Press, in a translation by Daniel Hahn.