Jim Down

Jim Down is a consultant in critical care and anaesthesia at University College London Hospitals. Appointed in 2005, he was Lead for Critical Care between 2007 and 2009, then divisional clinical director between 2009 and 2012. He chairs the ICU consultants’ group, the department of anaesthesia weekly scientific meetings, and the UCHL Trust guideline committee.
During the covid-19 pandemic, he was on a full-time, full-shift clinical rota in the UCH Intensive Care Unit, and, during that time, was appointed Trust Lead for Ethics. He also reviewed the London Nightingale Hospital as part of the Care Quality Commission. His first book Life Support, an account of his experience treating covid-19 patients inside the UCH Intensive Care Unit as the pandemic took hold, was published by Viking in 2021, and his second book Life in the Balance: A Doctor's Stories of Intensive Care was published in 2023. Jim Down lives in London with his family.
Books by Jim Down
Life Support: Diary of an ICU Doctor (2021)
Life in the Balance: A Doctor's story of Intensive Care (2023)