Bernardo Carvalho

Represented in association with Companhia Das Letras
Bernardo Carvalho was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1960. He is a writer and journalist. In addition to the collection of short stories Aberration (Cotovia, Rivages), he has published the novels Eleven (Voland), Drunks and Sleepwalkers (Rivages), Theatre (Cotovia), The Initials (Dom Quixote, Rivages), Fear of Sade (ASA, Canongate, Tranan), Nine Nights, awarded the prizes Portugal Telecom, and Machado de Assis (Cotovia, Metailié, Luchterhand, Laguna, Lumen, Kastaniotis, Atlas, Cappelens, Heinemann, Bjartur), Mongolia (Cotovia, Metailié, Luchterhand, Laguna, Feltrinelli), and The Sun Sets in São Paulo (Cotovia, Metailié, Luchterhand), all published in Brazil by Companhia das Letras.